Thursday, June 23, 2011

What is The Message of The Hour?

TOKEN.THE_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-19 SUNDAY_ 63-0901M37-3 
He won't recognize nothing but that covenant of the Holy Spirit. And you cannot receive that covenant, unless you are saved, sanctified, and then baptized into the Body. He will not... You might have an impersonation; you might feel good; and jump up-and-down, and speak in tongues, and dance in the Spirit. That don't have one thing to do with it. Hear it, in the Name of the Lord. God don't recognize that. Heathens do that. Witches do that. You say, "I'm a scholar. I do this, that, or the other." He don't care how much scholar you are. The devil is too. See? He only recognizes the--the Token. That's the message of the hour. That's the message of this day. That's the message of this time. In the Name of Jesus Christ, receive it.

TOKEN.THE_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-19 SUNDAY_ 63-0901M40-3
Anyone knows anything about the Bible, knowed that that harlot was predestinated. She sure was. She didn't... The Bible said, "She perished not with them who believed not." That's right. But she believed the message of the hour, and God give her a sign by His messengers; said, "Take a scarlet red streak and tie it on your..." Said, "Remember, if you don't tie that streak there and leave it there, what we've escaped by, we're not responsible for our oath." And said, "If you're out from under it, we're not responsible." Oh, my. "Rahab, every predestinated seed in here, you get out there, and go to hunting them. Get your daddy, your mother, for we've just come under that atonement. Down in Egypt and everything that we didn't have under that token, perished. Rahab, I'm giving you a sign. It's a token."And I say in the Name of the Lord, it's the same. If you'll put that... "I'm acquainted with that--with the messenger. I'm acquainted with the angel of wrath, Joshua, God's destroying messenger. I'm acquainted with him, and he know's that there has to be a token sign. And you hang that there, and I'll assure you; I take oath."

WHAT.SHALL.I.DO.WITH.JESUS_ JEFF.IN V-6 N-6 SUNDAY_ 63-1124M177 He was on his hands; and so is He on your hands. See? You know what I'm talking about (See?), not only you, but this tape. He's on your hands. What you going to do with Him, this Jesus, called Christ? Christ is the anointed Word. See? What you going to do with It? It's the Message of the hour. The day is here, thoroughly approved by the Bible and by God. What you going to do with It? How you going to dodge the issue now? How you going to get by with it? He's on your hands. Oswald's case will be a minor one to yours.

HE.WAS.TO.PASS.THIS.WAY_ BATON.ROUGE.LA SATURDAY_ 64-0321BE-28 So he comes running over, and he's too small. He couldn't get up to the limb. So he said, "Well, now, there's only one thing I can do." And there set the--the city garbage can setting on the corner. So he thought, "Well, now, if I go over and get that garbage can, and pick it up, and bring it over here, then I can get the rest of the way up the tree from that. That'll help me." So he goes over. And the garbage disposal hadn't come by yet that morning; it was pretty heavy. So he was small, and he couldn't pick it up. The only one way to do it, that's wrap his arms around it. And he had on his best garment. So, you know, there's always hindrances when you're trying to see Jesus. But that didn't make any difference whether a good garment or not, he wanted to see Jesus anyhow. So he throwed his arm around the garbage can so he could get it over there. So he scooted it over. And there he had garbage all over him. Well, didn't make any difference; he--he wanted to see Him anyhow. So, while he was pushing the can over with his arms around it, he heard somebody a-laughing. And he looked around, and if it wasn't Levinski standing there, his competitor, saying, "Well, what do you know. Zacchaeus has got him a new job from his restaurant. He's working for the garbage disposal."
You know, the devil just wants to see what he can do to throw everything in your way that he can, to keep you from seeing Jesus. He'll tell you they're a bunch of holy-rollers. They'll tell you they're a bunch of idiots. He'll say there--there's nothing to them; they're just the poor trash of the city, anything he can do. But if you're determined to see Him, God will make a way for you to see Him. Just keep that in your mind. Something will take place if that hunger begins to break into your heart, something. You'll go see Him anyhow. So didn't make any difference. Little old face turned red, and he was embarrassed. But he just pushed the can on over anyhow, and got ahold of it, and shinnied up the tree. (That's all right, ain't it? Shinnied? You Southerners know what "shinnied" is. That's climbed up the tree.) Got up the tree. And he got up there, and he found where two limbs come together and met in the trunk of the tree. And there he set down. Now, that's a good place to sit, where two ways meets: yours and God's, your idea and His. That's a good time to set down and think it over: Your own thoughts about Him, and what His Word says He is; what you think He is, and what the Word says He is; What the message of the hour is to your thinking, and what the message of the hour is to his Word, that's the difference. Set there and think it over a little while.

IDENTIFIED.CHRIST.OF.ALL.AGES_ TOPEKA.KS V-20 N-1 WEDNESDAY_ 64-0617 77 Remember, God changes His form. "En morphe," the Greek word means "He puts on a different mask." Like in Carmen or something, or--or Shakespeare's plays, He's--He's like an Actor, He changes His form. All what those prophets were, that was God in those prophets. Jesus said so, "You call them gods, who the Word of God came to: and here I am, the Son of God, how do you condemn Me?" Oh, my. The same thing is today, it's God manifested in flesh, the Message of the hour, the Light of the day. We can't have them other messages back there; they've done been lived up; we live in a glare of a light.

GOD'S.CHOSEN.PLACE.WORSHIP_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-7 SATURDAY_ 65-0220 114 Oh, brother, sister, if you haven't repented yet, if you haven't been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, would you make that start tonight, would you give God the opportunity to welcome you into the place where you can worship Him? Remember, outside of there, there is no place that God promised to meet you and welcome your worship. You say, "Brother Branham, I worship just as sincere..." So did Cain. He made every kind of an offering that Abel did, but it was a wrong offering. You might go to church, and pay your tithes, and do your duty as a Christian ought to, just as sincere as any man or woman. I've stood here now for some thirty years around the city here and screamed this same Message. I'm getting old. I can't be with you too much longer. But remember, in the day of judgment, my voice is recorded, and it'll speak out against you. There's only one Place that God puts His Name, and that's not in a church, but in Jesus. There's only one Place of worship, only one Place that you are received, and that is in the Beloved, Jesus Christ. There's not another Name under heaven, given among men whereby I be saved, no church, no creed, no nothing, Jesus Christ. And that's supposed to be the Message of the hour, to restore back the hearts of the children back to the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Won't you accept it tonight?

EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-041015-4 Now, notice. Brought the quickening power... Now, that quickening power that come upon Jesus quickened Him to manifest every promise of the Word of that day. So does the Holy Spirit that come upon us in this day. If it's not a mockery holy spirit, if it's not the devil mocking the Holy Spirit, but is the real true Holy Spirit, it'll manifest the promise of this hour. When It fell upon Luther, It manifested that promise of that hour. When It fell upon Wesley, It manifested the promise of that hour. When It falls in this day, It manifests the promise of this hour. When It fell upon Moses, It manifested the promise of that hour. Fell upon Noah, It manifest the promise of that hour. When It fell upon Jesus, It manifests the promise of that hour. See? It's the Holy Spirit coming down to quicken, make alive those people that's foreordained of God to be in the rapture. Oh, that is, if he's a true eagle, he will understand the message of the hour: if he's a true eagle.

RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M11-5 Now, the very essence of the Message that was sent that, "He is risen from the dead," we, His beneficiaries, we, who share the resurrection with Him, draw benefits from this by proving to the world that He is alive. We cannot do it by word only; we cannot do it by some tradition of man; we only reflect exactly what we're pointing to. I'm afraid today that too many of us are not getting people to Christ. We're getting them to a church, to a theory, but we must get them to Christ. He is the only One, and the only One that has Life. "He that has the Son, has Life." And if the life of a man that's dead be projected in you, you will live the same life he lived. If the blood of a man was a certain type, and you took the blood from one man and changed the blood of the one man into another, he'd absolutely be that typed blood. And if your spirit that's in you is reckoned dead, and you are anointed with the Life that was in Christ is upon you... Romans 8:11 says, "If the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, It'll also quickens your mortal bodies," that same Life, them same powers, them same beneficiaries that He had here on earth from God. He redeemed you, a seed that was foreknown by God, whose names was put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. And that Gospel Light of the resurrection, the confirmation of the Word... How did we know He was the Christ? Because He proved what He talked about. How will I know the Message of the hour? God proves what He promised and He talks about it.

GOD.OF.THIS.EVIL.AGE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0801M 56 The two spirits, one of them God's Holy Spirit, the other one the devil's spirit working in deception. The people of the earth are now making their choice. The Holy Spirit is here calling out a Bride for Christ. He's doing it by vindicating His Word of promise to Her for this age, showing that It is Christ. If the finger's supposed to move in this age, the finger will move. If the foot's supposed to move in this age, the foot will move. If the eye is to see in this age, the eye will see. See? The Spirit of God, as It's growed into the full statue of God is... The age that we're now living in, the Holy Spirit is here vindicating the Message of the hour. And the Holy Spirit is doing this, so that the people that believe God will be called out of this chaos. The devil's unholy spirit is here calling his church by the error, as usual, by perversion of the Word of God like he did at the beginning. See it coming right back to that seed time again? From Eden, here it is again.

TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ SHP.LA V-7 N-2 SATURDAY_ 65-1127B 135 Now, He reveals these things by His foreknowledge to those who He has ordained to these things; otherwise they don't see it. Stand right there looking right at it and can't see it. How many ever seen that picture of a cow in the bush, that you just have to look and look? Did you ever see that? Or, seen the picture of Christ in a bush, or in the sky, or clouds? See, that painter has got that so fixed up till you have to look at it just a certain way. Well, then, when you once see it, you can't see nothing else but that. Every time you look, there it is. How many's seen those pictures? Well, sure you have. Well, that's the way Christ is Himself, the Gospel, the message is. When you once see the message of the hour, there's nothing else you can see but that. That's all. Everything else is gone; the rest of it's just a filler (See, see?) when you once see the message.

LEADERSHIP_ COVINA.CA V-7 N-7 TUESDAY_ 65-1207158 May I repeat this again. In the kosher, in the offering of the--the--the atonement in the days of Moses, when Moses brought the children out, there was to be seven days that there was to be no leaven among the people. Anyone knows that. In Exodus, "No leaven shall be found in your camp at all seven days." That seven days represented the full seven church ages. See? "No leaven." Now, what is that? No creed, no world. Jesus said, "If you'd love the world or the things of the world, the love of God's not even in you." See? And we're trying to mix that; you can't do it. You've got to come to one thing to believe: you're either going to believe God, you're going to believe your church, you're going to believe the world, you're... You cannot mix it together. And you can't hold to them old things that the other church before you did. You've got to take the Message of the hour

How do you call Jesus on the Scene?

128 If we could only realize that He's here with us, the same yesterday, today, and forever. "Lo, I'm with you always. I'll never leave you, never forsake you. I'm with you to the end of the world," 24th chapter. "I'll never leave you," again He said. Oh. Again, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." I was just looking at the Scriptures I had wrote down here concerning it. How can we be sure? By His proven Word. He is now waiting for you to call Him on the scene to be proved, so let us go and awake Christ in our lives. How do you awake Christ? By believing His Word. Faith brings Him on the scene. That's what brings Him on the scene: faith. Then call on Him to confirm His Word. And don't doubt in fear; don't do that. Just believe Him as It is written, and let it be done, and God will prove to you that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We worship an invisible God.
E-70 If Beethoven lived in you, wouldn't you be a composer of songs? the great composer Beethoven? Say, "Beethoven lives in me." Then you'll do the works of Beethoven. You'll write his music. Certainly. If it lived in you, you would certainly do that, because it--the spirit of him lived in you. Then if Christ lives in me... My. If Christ lives in me the works of Christ will be done through me. Certainly. If Beethoven lives in you, the works of Beethoven will be made known. If Christ lives in you, the works of Christ will be made known, for He is the same: same. He can't change. Remember what I said? He's eternal. He can't change He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, Oh, then call Him on the scene. Are you afraid to? Is men of this hour, is men of this day afraid to call Jesus on the scene, to say, "Lord, You promised it. Now do it."
E-71 [Sister speaks a psalm--Ed.] Amen. A psalm. Great is Jehovah. Oh, mighty is Jehovah. Everlasting is Jehovah. He's from everlasting to everlasting He's God. His mercy endureth for thousands of generations, is upon them who fear Him. Are you afraid to wake that Jesus in your life that's been asleep for a while? Are you afraid to wake that thing that a few years ago that come down upon you and filled you with His blessings? Are you afraid to wake Him up, say, "Lord Jesus, I'm in trouble tonight. Move on the scene for me. In sailing the seas I've been stricken with a disease. I'm afflicted. Help me, oh, Lord God. Help me."Are you afraid to call Him on the scene? No. When you call Him on the scene like those disciples, all doubt takes its seat, sets down. Faith rises up; doubts are no longer. Faith has took the place.
176 Jesus said, "I will never forsake you. I'll be with you always, even to the end time." He'll be there just the same. Again He said, "I'll never leave you nor forsake you. A little while and the world won't see Me no more, yet you'll see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." Say, "How can I be sure of it though, Brother Branham? If I could just be sure..." St. John 14:12, He said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also."He's now waiting to be called on the scene to prove that to you. That's right. So let's go wake Jesus in our lives. He was alive here not long ago. He healed you one time; He did this and that. He was alive to you then. He--He's alive tonight. Call Him on the scene.
AWAKENING.JESUS_ TEMPE.AZ THURSDAY_ 63-0117 E-71 You know what He's doing? He's here tonight waiting to be proved. That's right. You know what we ought to do? We ought to do like they: wake Jesus that's in us. Wake Jesus in our own lives. The God that set our souls afire with the Holy Ghost, the God that taken these blinded eyes of mine and opened them up, the God that raised me off of a death bed, the God that I seen bring the dead back after being dead for hours: the doctor pronounced dead and write a statement to it: five different times. Waken that God. Waken Him up. We ought to call on Jesus, and wake Him, and call Him on the scene. We have need of Him. Yes, sir. Then call Him to confirm His Word. 

CALLING.JESUS.ON.THE.SCENE_ DENHAM.SP.LA THURSDAY_ 64-0319E-42 Notice, after these disciples found themselves at the end, it must've dawned on some of them that the Creator was still with them. I hope it does that to us tonight, for Hebrews 13:8 says He's the same. Then what did they do? They awakened Jesus. Go wake a Jesus. Wake Him, call Him on the scene. He's very easy called. They had seen--seen so many things that God had done, and--and the--and the Word's a-vindicating Him--so have we. And He was not hard to be called into action. They woke Him up and said, "Do You... Carest thou not that we perish?" You say, "How can we be sure of this? Can we prove it?" John 14:12, Jesus said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." That's exactly, our faith bringing Christ in our presence.

EVER.PRESENT.WATER_ JEFF.IN V-14 N-6 SUNDAY_ 61-0723M113 Now, you say, "Then, Brother Branham, why is it that we do not do the things then that we should do? How is it our gifts and things in the church does not come to its color, to where it should be? How is it our church does not lift up into the spot where it should be?" The people in the testing time drops away like Israel did. They think that God has left them.But remember, the Rock never left Israel. Israel left the Rock; it forgot about the Rock being with them all the time. It was right there, went right with them to the end of the road. "It followed them." It wasn't out of speaking distance. It wasn't out of hearing distance. Or it wasn't out of seeing distance. And neither is Christ with the Church today; He's not out of speaking distance. Some of you have backslid, and done that which is wrong, and you've lost that joy, and your Water is dried up. He's still in speaking distance of you. He follows you. He knows every move you make and everything you do. He's longing to hear you call Him on the scene.

Question of the Day: Have we entered into the tribulation period?

Q.The church age ending and has blacked out, the Bride is called, we have already entered into the tribulation period?

No, no, no, you're... I wished that I could just have more time on that. See, see? The Bride, when she's taken from the church, then the church age will cease. Laodicea goes into chaos; the Bride goes to glory; and the tribulation period sets in upon the sleeping virgin for three and a half years while Israel is getting its prophecy; then tribulation sets in upon Israel; and then comes the battle of Armageddon which destroys all things. And then, the Bride returns back with the Groom for a thousand years, the millennium reign; after that comes the white throne judgment; after that comes the new heavens and new earth and the new city coming down from God out of heaven. Eternity and time blends together. QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_ JEFF.IN COD SUNDAY_ 64-0830E

"The church, the lukewarm, the anything outside of the elected Bride will go through the tribulation period. They will not raise in the first resurrection: "The rest of the dead lived not for a thousand years," just the foreordained, predestinated, elected Bride, God's own elections. "Who is it, Brother Branham?" I don't know? I can't tell you who it is, but I know it's going to be there, 'cause the Lord said they would. See? They are the ones that'll go up from the tribulation, but the rest of them will go through the tribulation, go down, and everything will be killed before the millennium. Then the--the righteous shall come out in the millennium and live a thousand years. And after the thousand years, then the great white throne judgment comes, and then the dead, both right and wrong is raised. And the books are opened, and the Book of Life was open; and the saints, the Wife and the Husband, set and judge the world. And there it comes to pass the saying: "And He'll judge all nations with a rod of iron." All nations shall stand before Him there, and He'll judge them with the rod of iron. He'll separate the sheep from the goats and say to the goats, "Depart," and the sheeps, "Come, ye blessed of My Father." QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 64-0823

Third Exodus Assembly:"Lord I Hear Your Voice"(Bro.Obba Walker.)


THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST IS NOT FINISHED YET, contrary to some who teach that the rapture took place in 1963. Some teach that we are now living in the THIRD COMING of CHRIST. I say, we are not. We are still at the CLIMAX of the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. When the rapture takes place, the Bride will have to undergo a "body-change". This corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal flesh must put on immortality. That's a promise in the Bible (1 Cor. 15:52-54; 1 Thes. 4:16-18). Don't let any preacher deprive you of that divine promise.
How could any preacher teach that the rapture already took place in FEBRUARY 28, 1963 (on that ARIZONA CLOUD) when in fact Brother Branham himself was still looking for a true physical body-change or "rapture" even after such an incident on Sunset Mountain, till his death in 1965?
Read Brother Branham's excerpts below to prove my point:
April 12, 1963 - (WORLD'S.FALLING.APART_ ALBQ.NM FRIDAY_ 63-0412M)
"I don't want to hurt you. I want to bless you. Listen. One of these days the rapture will come by, and the Bride will be gone, and you'll know nothing about it. They won't even know a word about it."

"The Bible through the seven seals has perfectly been revealed, waiting only now for them seven mysteries right at last, on the coming of the Lord and the rapture of the Church that might happen before morning. Oh, my."

August 25, 1963 - (PERFECT.FAITH_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 63-0825E)
"We're coming now to the perfection, because the people has to come to this in order for the rapture. That's what's holding it away right now, is waiting for that church to come into that perfect raptured faith. I'm looking for it. It means a lot of shaking down for me; it means a lot for you; but together we'll make it by the grace of God. Amen."

August 25, 1963 - (HOW.CAN.I.OVERCOME_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 63-0825M)
"And now, at the coming of the Lord Jesus, those who are really loving His a-coming, that's living for it, when He appears in the sky, the Church that's dead in Christ shall rise and those will be changed in a moment. The rest of them know nothing about it. Remember, appeared to those in the city. See, the--the--the rapture will be like that. We'll see each other, and we'll see them. The rest of the world won't see them. It'll be caught away as a secret going, waiting for that time, then returning back to the earth for that glorious millennium, then the thousand years.

November 27, 1963 - (WORLD.AGAIN.FALLING.APART SHP.LA 63-1127)
"I look for a rapture, for just a handful of people (That's right.), just a handful of people. They'll never be missed in the world. When they go, you'll never know it's gone. That's right. It'll come like a thief in the night."

March 19, 1964 - (CALLING.JESUS.ON.THE.SCENE_ DENHAM 64-0319)
"I'm looking for Him today. If He isn't here today, I'll be looking for Him tomorrow. If He isn't there tomorrow, I'll be looking the next day. If He isn't here this year, I'll be looking next year for Him. I know He's coming. I don't know the minute or the hour. But I know everything's fulfilled, ready for the rapture. The church is called out. It'll be a secret going, just vanish, and that'll be all."

August 23, 1964 - (QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_ JEFF.IN COD 64-0823M)
"We're just to wait on the coming of the Lord. Just wait; keep your lamps trimmed, all filled full of oil. Pray up every hour, not every day, every hour. Just keep ready; be ready; be sweet, and watching..."

August 23, 1964 - (QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_ JEFF.IN COD 64-0823M)
"Jesus said, "When the Son of man shall appear," why, said, "it'd be like the Light that shines from the east even into the west." The whole thing, there'll be a resurrection, a rapture, and away it'll go. And before it ever go up to meet Him... By faith I believe it in His grace, that we will be among those people that'll be caught up…. These mortal bodies will not see death, but just of a sudden, there'll be like a sweep go over us, and you're changed. You're turned back like Abraham was, from an old man to a young man, from an old woman to a young woman. What's this sudden change? And after while you--you're traveling like a thought, and you can see those then who are already resurrected. Oh, what a hour. Then we'll gather with them and then be caught up with them to meet the Lord in the air."

December 4, 1965 - (RAPTURE.THE_ YUMA.AZ SATURDAY_ 65-1204)
"Now, we're ready, waiting for the raptures of--the rapture of the saints. It's been spoken and so shall it be."

Man-Made Theory # 1: THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST ENDED IN 1963 at the appearing of the MYSTERY-CLOUD on SUNSET MOUNTAIN

I do not believe that the Second Coming of Christ is over.
Though it is true that the prophet's commission was to forerun the second coming of the Lord, but the Second Coming of the Lord is NOT confined alone to the appearing of the Mystery Cloud in Arizona. We are still, right now, living in the continuation of the Second Coming of the Lord - which is composed of a three-fold event : (1) an ELIJAH-COMING, (2) a BRIDE-COMING, and (3) a CORPORAL-BODY COMING of Jesus Christ.
To really know the time frame of the second coming we must first look at how Christ came the first time. The FIRST COMING of Jesus went through a SEQUENCE of EVENTS from His birth in Betlehem, to the Cross of Calvary, until the day He resurrected from the dead and ascended on high ( a physical rapture of His body). The SECOND COMING of Christ, I believe, will be of the same pattern, there will come first a "body-change" and an ascension of the Bride-Body of Christ, before the Great Tribulation strikes this earth.
We are still in the "Bride-Coming of the Lord" right now. It will be a quick short ministry before the final changing of our bodies.
Would the Bride of Christ have a ministry before the rapture? Sure. That's what's going on right now. See? The BRIDE of Christ... Certainly. It is the Message of the hour (See?), the Bride of Christ. Sure, She's consist of apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and pastors. Is that right? That's the Bride of Christ. Sure, She's got a ministry, great ministry; it's the ministry of the hour; it'll be so humble." (William Branham, QA.ON.THE.SEALS. No.22 JEFF.IN 63-0324M)
Just like Abraham and Sarah were turned back to a young man and woman (physically) before the burning of Sodom, Melchizedek (a type of the Sunset Mountain Cloud) appeared first to Sarah and Abraham (a type of the Bride).
But the actual coming of the SON ( a type of Isaac) came only after Abraham's BODY and Sarah's BODY were changed (physically). In this same PATTERN, we shall all be changed (physically) in a physical Rapture for the Scripture says that "mortality must put on immortality, and corruption (flesh) must put on incorruption (glorified body) - 1 Corinthians 15:52-54).
During the first coming of the Lord, His first coming went through a SEQUENCE of events which included his birth in Betlehem, his youth days in Galilee, his River Jordan Baptism, his 3 & ½ years of ministry with the apostles, his crucifixion at the Cross of Calvary, His resurrection after three days, and finally his Ascension after 40 days (which that was a physical rapture indeed, like Enoch and Elijah's rapture - they were all physically caught up in the air).

And when our real body-change comes, we will also be "caught up" physically one of these days , just like Jesus, Enoch and Elijah. (How dare some false teachers deny us of such privilege of a "body change" just for a mess of pottage, fame and popularity). All of these events were part of the FIRST COMING of the Lord and will also be fulfilled at the SECOND COMING of the Lord.
The SECOND COMING of the Lord, started in Pentecost where Jesus divided Himself in licks of Fire to fill His Bride with the Holy Ghost. It went through the Seven Church Ages. Jesus, sending His seven spirits, seven stars-messengers to call out the Bride in every age, the wise virgins.
Then came His appearing in these last days though the Pillar of Fire, commissioning His endtime prophet to reveal all the hidden mysteries in the seven seals. His appearing in this last generation came through the birth of William Branham, His prophet, with the halo of Light over his head inside his log cabin.
Then His appearing continued on to the commission of Brother Branham at the Ohio River in 1933 where the Pillar of Fire spoke before hundreds of people saying, "As John the Baptist foreran the first coming of Christ, your MESSAGE shall forerun the second coming of Christ" (a vindication of Malachi 4:5-6).
Then from such events, that Pillar of Fire has been seen again and photographed in Houston in 1950 testifying to the First Pull Ministry of Brother Branham (healing and miracles) up to to his Second Pull ministry (prophesy and discernments). It moved on until the Revelation of the Seven Seals in 1963 (the Third Pull), which is the Revelation of the Hidden Mysteries of God (Revelation Chapter 10:1 to 7). Now, the Bride is enjoying those revelations, getting ripened under the SON, by listening to those Messages, getting rapturing faith for the final physical translation.
Did the Second Coming of the Lord end when Brother Branham died? Nope.
UNTIL TODAY, the Message is still "riding its trail again" through tapes, through MP3's and through an anointed 5-fold ministry meant to equip the Bride throughout all the world with the Oil that's necessary for the Wise Virgin's entrance to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in heaven.
All of these events are significant PARTS of the SECOND COMING OF THE LORD, not just the Arizona Cloud - and which will climax in a PHYSICAL COMING of Jesus Christ, in His own corporal BODY, appearing on the clouds of glory to catch away His Bride in the air (PHYSICALLY).
The Arizona Cloud, I should say, is the just the "appearing" of the Lord and not the final coming yet. The Cloud's purpose is to call and gather the Bride all around the Word to listen to the Message of William Branham until the last predestinated seed has heard it. Not until that last SEED has come into the Bride-Body, the physical Rapture or Second Coming of Christ is not yet over. His coming will end up in a physical "catching away" of the Bride, as supported by I Corinthians 15:52-54 that says: "We will all be CHANGED from this CORRUPTIBLE BODY (flesh) to INCORRUPTION (glorified body) and from this MORTALITY (flesh) to IMMORTALITY (glorified body)".
The "Appearing" and the "Coming" are two different things. That's according to Brother Branham himself:
"Notice. There's a great big difference in the sign of Jesus appearing, and then Jesus coming. There's two different words, means two different things: the appearing of the Lord, and the coming of the Lord. Now, the appearing of the Lord is now, when He's appearing in His people, His Spirit working among them, proving that it's Him with them, getting them ready for the rapture, for the coming of the Lord to catch away His--the Bride (See?): the appearing and the coming. All right. Now." [CONVINCED.AND.THEN.CONCERNED_ CHICAGO.IL MONDAY_ 62-0521]
The finality of the Second Coming of Christ will be a "physical event" as stated in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the DEAD in Christ shall RISE first: Then WE which are alive [and] remain shall be CAUGHT UP together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."


Don't let false preachers deprive you of a "physical changing" of the Body. Do not let Satan deceive you and tell you that you are already in our own glorified body right now. For a fact, the glorified body does not get sick, does not get old, does not indulge in physical sex, could go through walls and could travel faster than the speed of light. People having their glorified bodies need no funeral services. Can any of those who say they are now in their glorified body manifest such things? No, not yet, because we are not yet glorified in our physical estate yet. In our souls, yes, we have the eighth day rest (spiritually), but in our body, we are still waiting for the time of Romans 8:23,"We ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, [to wit], the redemption of our body."
Some people misplace I CORINTHIANS 15:50 which says that, "flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption" and say that there is indeed no way and no need for the flesh to be saved. Well, this Scripture ought to be placed rightfully. The verse refers to an unconverted person and not to a Born-again Christian. Why did Jesus taught us John 3:3? Jesus said that, "Except a man be born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven". It is because that once a man is born again, his whole being is changed. "Old things are passed away, behold, all things have become new". It means that once a man is borned again, his whole body, soul and spirit, (not just flesh and blood) is preserved BLAMELESS until the coming of the Lord. That's according to I Thessalonians 5:23 - "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and [I pray God] your whole SPIRIT and SOUL and BODY (flesh) be preserved BLAMELESS unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
To a born again Christian, therefore, this scripture applies - I JOHN 3:9 - "Whosoever is born of God doth NOT commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God."
If the concept that says that "the 2nd Coming is over and that we're in the 3rd coming now" is true, then that would follow that the Bride was left behind the Tribulation Period. We are not in no Tribulation Period. That is not the case for all of us now. The Bride will never go through the Tribulation Period. We will be caught up in a rapture before the Tribulation period sets in and not rot in flesh and blood here on earth. In the Tribulation Period, the Bride should be gone while Moses and Elijah calls out the 144,000 Jews and the AntiChrist purges the Foolish Virgins. Once the Bride is raptured, there will be no more salvation for the Gentiles, and the Tribulation Period purifies the earth with earthquakes and volcanics and weapons of mass destructions. The Bride will be spending her Honeymoon with Jesus in the 7th Dimension during such time and will come back only on earth after the Tribulation Period joining Jesus riding in white horses during the Third Coming - the Armageddon War, then to establish the Millennial Kingdom.
The THIRD COMING has not yet happened today. The true scenario of the THIRD COMING is described in the following Bible verses:
11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him [was] called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
12 His eyes [were] as a flame of fire, and on his head [were] many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
13 And he [was] clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
14 And the armies [which were] in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
16 And he hath on [his] vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

How could one say that he is now living in the Third Coming today when in fact, the Bride will be coming from heaven when that Third Coming of Christ takes place, riding in white horses? For a fact, the Third Coming is for Israel, and not for the Bride. The Bride will be coming with Jesus from heaven (not waiting on earth) during the Third Coming after the 3 and a half years of honeymoon in heaven to destroy the enemies of Israel during the Armageddon War.
Some people teach that we are now in the Millennium. But their claims are far from the truth in contrast with the situation that we are experiencing right now. In the true Millennium, the old will be young forever, sickness will fade, there will be no sorrow and death will be no more.
That's a far description from real situations that we have right now amongst us. We are still living in a pest house, not in a Millennium. We still need a body change.

Listen to a vindicated prophet preach it:
"There will be a Millennium. The old will be young there for ever. Sickness will fade away and death will be no more. And they shall build houses; they will inhabit them. They'll plant vineyards and eat the fruit thereof. They'll not plant and another inhabit (his son take it), his son will be living by him. He'll not plant and another eat, die off and somebody else take it; but he will live there. Amen. []... bullock and the lamb shall feed together. And the lion shall eat straw like the bullock, and a child shall lead them around. There'll be--there'll be innocence. There'll be--there'll be--there'll be nothing could hurt. We'll be changed from what we are now, to that glorious image of the Son of God which is immortal. Years can never touch Him; age can never do anything to Him; He's the immortal Son of God. So we know that--that we're at the end time. We're at the junction. All these things thoroughly identified, so will it be identified again."

"Jesus knew that He'd fall heir to them in this great millennium, when His Kingdom would come, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." There'll be no more shorts wore. There'll be no more drinking. There'll be no more lust. There'll be no more adultery. There'll be no more death. There'll be no more sorrow. He falls heir to every nation. They are His. That's right. They are His, and He will fall heir; but Satan has them for a space of time, that is, today that we're living."
We can see that Millennium is not our situation right now. We can still see people around us living in sin, it's still a world full of short-wearing women, full of adultery, drinking, lust, sorrow and death. Our situation is still far from what Brother Branham described as a true "Millennium." To think that we are now living in the Millennium is pure hallucination.
Only the Roman Catholic church believes in a present Millennium. Living in a Millennium is actually a Catholic Dogma.Those who follow the pope's teachings will surely believe with him that they are living in the Millennium now. That's what the prophet told us:
"No wonder the Roman Catholic Church is not looking for the return of the Lord Jesus. They are not millennialists. They have their millennium right here. The pope is reigning right now and God is reigning in him. So when He comes according to them, it has to be when the new heavens and the earth are prepared. But they are wrong. That pope is the head of the false church, and there is going to be a millennium, but while that is going on he won't be in it. He will be somewhere else."

And that's the reason the Catholic doesn't teach the coming of Jesus to this day. It's all in the church. This is the millennium. The church owns everything. This is it. See, postmillennium (oh, my) without the return of Jesus Christ. This lasted unto the assassination of Constantine which come between 312 and--and... A.D. 312 and 606. Then Boniface III was made the universal bishop or pope over the whole universal church.

Brother Branham taught us that when we have responded to the Message-of-the-Hour, that's when we heard from our theophany. He did not say that the theophany went down inside of you. He said that during the physical Rapture of the Bride, that's the time whereby your theophany will come down from the sixth dimension to meet your redeemed body in a physical rapture. Then your mortal body plus your theophany body will turn to a glorified body in a twinkling of an eye.

Listen to Brother Branham preach it:
"The theophany comes to the earth to pick up the redeemed body. And if you're here in the air, you take the body to meet the theophany (there you are), and caught up and go to meet the Lord in the air."
"But you by-passed the theophany and become flesh-man, to be tempted by sin. And then, "If this earthly tabernacle is dissolved, we have one already waiting." We have not yet the bodies."
He said that we have not yet the bodies, and that's in 1965. What bodies was he referring to? Our theophany bodies and our glorified bodies. They will materialize during the actual "rapture", the "catching away" of the Bride.
Though it may be true that we have a quote that says that "your soul is your theophany", but that concept was applied by Brother Branham to a soul before the fall of man, when God created man in His own image in Genesis 1:26, when man was still perfect, with no sin in our soul yet, that soul indeed is your theophany.
"But your souls were made up before the foundation of the world when God created man in His Own image: spirit of man; not a man in His Own image, but man in His Own image. See? And then He made them male and female before He ever had a man in the dust of the earth...He moved down into the earth and how that He made man in His image, and then God turned around and was made in the image of man to redeem man.” (DEMONOLOGY.PHYSICAL.REALM_ CONNERSVILLE.IN 53-0608A)
But when we fell from grace through Adam and Eve, that soul was marred and it had to wait for the "body change" before it can possess back the theophany. The theophany will not dwell inside a mortal body, but inside a glorified body only, a body just like that of our Jesus Christ.
That's why the prophet said we "by-passed our theophany", it was left in heaven for a while when we were born sinners in this world. But we will be meeting our theophany in the air during rapture time, after we have been born-again, and that's during the "body change". Truly we have heard from our theophany when we heard the Message-of-the-Hour and we have been quickened to the Word by it, because the theophany is our Body-Word indeed, a Spoken Word-Body, created by God before the foundation of the world.
Most people misplaces the idea of an "Eighth Day". Some believe that we are now living in the Eighth Day spiritually, while others apply the "Eight Day" physically. Let us try to get the true revelation of the "Eighth day" so that we don't get confused of the word.

"Eighth Day" literally means THREE things. It has THREE MEANINGS. You have to be very specific as to which one you apply to yourself:
(1) "Eighth Day" in Leviticus 23:36 refers to a Holy Convocation/ A Sabbath Day to Israel. A literal day of feast or celebration given to the Jews only.
LEVITICUS 23:36 - " Seven days ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: on the eighth day shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: it [is] a solemn assembly; [and] ye shall do no servile work [therein]."
(2) "Eighth Day" with regards to TIME ELEMENT refers to "Eternity". It's back to the First Day, since there are only seven days in a week, so eighth day pertains to "back to the beginning" - back to the first Day, back to Eternity - a New Heaven and the New Earth (that's after the Millennium Kingdom of Jesus of 1000 years)
REVELATION 21:1 - "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea." This is the true "Eternity" spoken of in the Bible.
And I said, "There is an eighth day festival." So the seventh day would be the last; that would be the millennium. But there is an eighth day festival, which if it was the eighth, and there's only seven days, would make it the first day again--come right back to the first day. Then after the millennium is over, then there will be an established Eden again. God's great Kingdom will be taken back, because Jesus fought it out with Satan in the Garden of Gethsemane, and won back the Eden, which He's gone to prepare in heaven to return again.

"See, eight cannot be counted with the week. See, it cannot be counted, eight days in a week; you can't do it (See?), because there's only seven days in a week. Count it any way you want to; Sunday's the first day of the week. See? You count seven, and you got to go back in and start over again. Count seven and come back and go over again. See, and we live through all these types in here, but when you hit the eighth you go on into eternity."

(3) "Eighth Day" also refers to an Spiritual estate of being, which means "Eternal Rest" or "Sabbath to the Soul"
Only Jesus can give you this type of "Eighth Day"...
MATTHEW 11:28 - "Come unto me, all [ye] that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
Number 3 should apply to you and me, real born-again believers. We have entered into our Sabbath, the Eighth Day, the "rest" to our souls, a spiritual estate of being at rest with God.
But Numbers 1 and 2, do not yet apply to us. This is where many are mislead and mistaken.
To try to apply Eighth Day #2 which is the literal physical time of the "Eternity" into our local time (2009) and say that we are now living physically in the Millennium or in the New Heaven and Earth, is a misplacement of the Word. Such thinking and application is unscriptural, impractical and deceiving.
We (our physical bodies) are still living in a "time element", not yet in eternity. Physical Eternity will be spent in the "New Jerusalem", the New Heaven and Earth of Revelation 21 and 22.
"Eighth Day" should be applied for now to a soul who has been born again under the End Time Message, but not to our physical bodies yet. You can say that your soul is now eternal, yes, that is the eighth day condition of your spiritual being now..
Yet, though you have entered into that "Eighth Day" in your soul, our physical bodies are still living in the Laodicean Age for there is no such thing as an Eighth Church Age; only seven.
You may say, "Oh, no. You're mistaken in there." But Brother Branham said that when the Laodicean Age ceases, the church should be gone in the rapture. The Bride have been taken out of the Laodicean lukewarm condition, yes, but our bodies are still living within the Laodicean Church Age, the seventh church age, a time element. That's because God will not deal with the Jew and the Gentile at the same time. So we are still living under a Gentile Dispensation right now.
Take it from the prophet of God, in the Question and Answers sermon in 1964: QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.4_ JEFF.IN COD SUNDAY_ 64-0830E
Question 391. Brother Branham, have you made statements recently concerning that church age has ended, Laodicea?
"No, I never said it's ended. If I did, you misunderstood, or I said it wrong. It is--this is the last church age; it's the end of church ages, the Laodicea. It hasn't ended; when it ends, the church is gone. So as long as the church is here, it hasn't ended. See?"
As far as our "PHYSICAL BODIES" right NOW, therefore, is concerned, we are still far from eternity or "Eighth Day condition". We still get sick, we still feel hungry, we still feel pain, and our faces still grow wrinkles. I even know of one pastor who claims that he is now living in the Millennium yet His wife died and was buried recently. It's a shame to claim such teachings of living in a physical "Eternity" now or even in a "Millennium" when people see your church members still grow old, are getting sick once in a while and some gets buried in the grave.
In the true Millennium, there is supposed-to-be no death. In the physical Eighth Day, there is no growing old. In the Millennium, the animals are tamed. (Can anyone of these "Millennialist" believers prove so by going into a lion's cage without them being ravaged by such an animal?) No. Not yet. It is indeed far from reality. To say that we are now living in the Millennium, is just presuming, venturing without authority. It is a dogma, a man-made addition to the unadulterated Word. Our body is not in the "Eighth Day" condition yet. So let us not confuse the SOUL condition with the BODY condition. The soul has already been redeemed and our spirit has already been changed from earthly to heavenly, yes. But NOT the body yet. The prophet even said that "William Branham" is his greatest hindrance in serving the Lord. He was speaking about his human carnal nature.
The New Heaven and the New Earth - that will be the real "Eighth day", physically speaking. Let us not confuse the natural with the spiritual and deceive the hearers of the Word. We are still waiting for the REDEMPTION OF THE BODY, the final frontier.
"The Bride, when she's taken from the church, then the church age will cease. Laodicea goes into chaos; the Bride goes to glory; and the tribulation period sets in upon the sleeping virgin for three and a half years while Israel is getting its prophecy; then tribulation sets in upon Israel; and then comes the battle of Armageddon which destroys all things. And then, the Bride returns back with the Groom for a thousand years, the millennium reign; after that comes the white throne judgment; after that comes the new heavens and new earth and the new city coming down from God out of heaven. Eternity and time blends together." QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.4_ JEFF.IN COD SUNDAY_ 64-0830E
Then goes the teaching today that says that "The Body of Jesus is a serpent because he represents the "Brazen Serpent". They say that Adam's body was also a serpent since he was the one who introduced sexual reproduction to Eve.

I say such teachings are blasphemy to the core. Where did such concepts come from? I say, it's from hell. Satan truly hates the Book of Genesis and the Book of Revelation. These two books expose Satan and tell us where he came from and where he is destined to go. These two books also applaud God's two Spoken Word Sons - Adam and Jesus.
We see that in Genesis, Adam, God's son was introduced as an heir and as an amateur god. In the Book of Revelation, Jesus is proclaimed as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. Satan hates these proclamations.
In the Book of Genesis, Satan, the serpent was cursed to the ground. And in the Book of Revelation, Satan, the old serpent, the Dragon, the Devil, was also cast into the Lake of Fire. Satan hates being exposed. He is ashamed of his role. So what must he do now? Come up with a tactic to at least make him at par with Jesus and Adam.
So here, he comes up with a tactic that will show that Jesus and Adam were one of his kind - a serpent. Can't we see that the propagation of such a teaching is to defame and to spearhead a smear campaign against the very Spoken Word Sons of God and to grab them of their power and honor? Satan is now wanting to claim and affiliate with Adam and Jesus in term of specie. Satan, the serpent, wanted to teach the Bride now that Jesus and Adam were his relatives and were one of his kindred, thereby destroying the reputation and credibility of these two original Sons of God. These are nothing but enticing spirits motivating some end-time preachers to teach people with damnable heresies.
Jesus is the Blood of God, not of any animal blood.
"It wasn't the blood of a Jew. It was the Blood of God that saved us, not the blood of a Jew. He wasn't no man's Blood. He was the creative Blood of Jehovah God, Who created the Blood cell. He wasn't neither Jew not Gentile by Blood. He was God. God's Blood saved us." (WITNESSES PHOENIX.AZ WEDNESDAY 54-0303)
Adam was taken from the dust of the earth, not from any animal race.
"And the next one to the human being was the serpent. The Bible said he was the most subtle of all the beast of the field. Smarter, he--he--he'd almost had a soul. He had a place for a soul, but what did he do? He sold out to Satan to deceive God, try to... Satan, the serpent, almost had a soul." (QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_ JEFF.IN COD SUNDAY_ 64-0830M)
The serpent has no soul. Adam and Jesus did have souls.
Nowhere do I read in my Bible where it even says that Adam ate dust nor crawled on the ground. Neither did my Jesus. So that never proved that both of them are serpents. It is clearly stipulated in the Bible that the serpent is another separate specie from a man - a creature that's between man and animal. It was the missing link. Only that it's the only creature whose blood can mix with man. The serpent's race was lost because it was cursed and it was turned into a reptile (not a mammal anymore). Human beings are mammals and not reptiles.
Brazen serpent means "sin judged on the cross". It is only a symbol of sin judged but does not signify a direct literal hereditary gene as if Jesus came from the blood of a "serpent'. Are we saved by the blood of a serpent or by the Blood of God?
Jesus was God's own BLOOD. It's a grave blasphemy to call Jesus a serpent. It's treading where angels fear to trod. It's making God's blood as if it was an unholy thing. Beware of such a doctrine. It will make God spue you out of His mouth.
Another strange teaching that's coming out in the open states that there is no literal "Lake of Fire" anymore. The "Lake of Fire" they say, is God Himself since God is a Pillar of Fire and God is a "consuming fire." Sinners will never be punished literally. Lake of Fire is just wishful thinking"

Well, there is this another crazy teaching that took off of Satan's conception. He wanted to abolish the very pits of hell where he is destined to go. I can see the devil and his angels having a good time celebrating and thanking the preacher or whoever conceptualized such an idea. The devil will be so happy for this kind of doctrine since they will no longer undergo punishment in hell for their rebellion.
Aside from such resulting fact, this doctrine will likely give people the license to commit sin and to commit evil without having the feeling of any guilt. This is no different from the Catholic Church's doctrine of selling indulgences during the Dark Ages. To believe this doctrine is for people to be free of guilt and shame to commit all types of adultery, murder, robbery, whatmore, it will be hell turned loose again on earth. This is another deception that has creeped into the churches. Far be it from this doctrine to pollute your assembly. Believing this doctrine is worse than living a life of an unbeliever. Yet on the other hand, churches with this kind of teaching will be getting full-packed attendance because this kind of doctrine is what people who are unholy, lukewarm, lax and complacent looks for in a church.
If the "Lake of Fire" is indeed God as some claim to be, and if sinners and devils will be thrown in the lake of Fire which is God Himself, a consuming fire, according to the teaching, then it follows that all the wicked and all the demons in hell will receive eternal life as well. Could you imagine spending eternity with the Devil and his angels and all the wicked in the new heaven and earth? That would be an unending chaos and confusion. But our God is a "God of Order". He is not a God of confusion. There will be a literal "Lake of Fire.
How can anyone teach that there will be no more "Lake of Fire" when the Bible Itself says that the Lake of Fire was created by God for the Devil and his angels, and for sinners and unbelievers in the Word? The succeeding Scriptures prove that:

10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet [are], and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is [the book] of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

"And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone."

Finally, Apostle Paul (a type of the prophet) admonishes Timothy (a type of the five-fold ministry) to take note of the following advice:

II TIMOTHY 4:2-4 - "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will NOT endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away [their] ears from the TRUTH, and shall be turned unto FABLES."

And in the book of Acts, it say, ACTS 20:29-30- "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them."
GALATIANS 1:8-9- "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any [man] preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."
Rev. William Branham as well, the messenger of this age, cautioned us against false teaching saying, "No matter how sincere, how educated, how smart, how true it sounds, how reasonable it sounds, if it's contrary to the Word of this hour, God will have nothing to do with it." (ANOINTED ONES AT END TIME JEFF.IN 65-0725M)
Let us not, therefore, be guilty of such perversions. Shalom!
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