Thursday, May 30, 2013


''Well friends, before God, I honestly before God; I've shunned money. A man where his wife was healed like that, little, I believe she was a little German woman that testified here awhile ago with her breast eat off with cancer. That same thing happened in California with a man that owned Mission Bell Winery, portion. And when I baptized that group, when we standing there, and I holding on for about a day there with that cancer. The Doctor Palouveas said, "Reverend, that woman is dying."
I said, "Sir, would you walk out of the room just a little while?"
And I got him out of the room. There the loved ones standing; I kept praying; that cancer beat back against me, beat back again. And I kept on till I--I didn't eat. They wanted me to come to dinner; I wouldn't eat. And I just stayed there, that lovely big home. And after while I called that cancer; I said, "In the Name of Jesus Christ come out from the woman."
And that curtain, I hope this don't stumble you, but that curtain hanging at the bottom, while I was standing there before about two dozen people, it begin to wind up, wound plumb up against the stick like that and went "Frwit," dropped down and that women come to her feet; the cancer was gone.
Three days from then she was doing her shopping downtown. I baptized them in an irrigation ditch out there. And that man sold out his part and sent a check to me for over a million dollars. That's right. And I refused. The people brought it out; I said, "Don't--don't bring that to me; don't bring that to me."~ WMB - 51-0729E THE.SECOND.MIRACLE_ ERIE.PA SUNDAY

"In Texas and Dallas there, a rich oil man flew his--his mother in there; she was in a wheelchair. She'd been there two or three days now, I was preaching. I said, "I see an elderly woman coming in a wheelchair, gray headed, shaky." I said, "I see her rise up and go." I said, "Where is she?" Here she set out there; I said, "Woman, Jesus Christ has healed you, come to your feet."And away she went running down through the building. Been setting there about eight years. He couldn't get to me. And the next night he got a prayer card, acting like he was sick and come into the line. As soon as he come there he said, "Brother Branham, I just wanted to get near you, put my arms around you."
And I said, "What's the matter, sir?"
He said, "Here's a check, a little check I want to give you."
I looked on there, twenty-eight thousand dollars; I said, "Oh, no, no."
He said, "Here," said, "not for saying the prayer for my mother; that isn't it," said, "I'm--I'm worth it." I see... said...
I said... Took that check and tore it up, I said, "No, sir, brother, no, sir. I--God never sent me to take money; He sent me to preach the Gospel