It was said one time... I was reading it when I was writing a note for this. I--I could not exactly remember the book that it's in, but I'm sure this is right: that one of the books I read on Mr. Moody, Dwight Moody, in Chicago. (We have a great listening church in Chicago also tonight.) That Mr. Moody after reading Romans 7, ran into the street, and the first man he met, he said to him, "Do you know grace? "And the man replied, "Grace who?" Mr. Moody said, "The grace of God." So it so thrilled him when he seen that what--how grace had separated us from the law, and how that--what part grace played. When I... Anything that I want to do is when I... Always told the people when I crossed the line on the other side, I'd like to stand up and sing: "Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me!" Grace, precious grace, more of grace to know. For it is by grace we are saved; not by what we can do, what we can... Whatever we do is not counted to us; grace is what saves us. "By grace are ye saved through faith;"
Invisible union of the bride 65-1125
So it's not you that keeps yourself; it's the grace of God that keeps you. You didn't save yourself, or nothing you've done to deserve being saved; it's God's grace that saved you. God's grace called you. God's foreknowledge knew you. He knew that you'd be in this church this night before the foundation of the world was ever laid. He's infinite. If He isn't, He isn't God. If He did know all things, He was God. If He didn't know all things, He wasn't God. If He's Almighty God, He can do all things; if He cannot do all things, He's not Almighty God. There you are.
Hebrews Chapter 7 part 1 [57-0915E]
Think of it. Love and grace is sisters, twin sisters. You can't have grace without having love. They're twin sisters. That's exactly right. Before you can have grace, you have to have love. Before you can actually show somebody a favor, you love them; right or wrong, you have to love them anyhow, or you can't. See? So love and grace is the same thing. They're just twin sisters (That's all.), love and grace. They were... We can't see one without the other. "God so loved the world, gave His only begotten Son." He shed His grace abroad in our hearts through the Holy Ghost. See? There's just nothing you can do without working one with the other. Grace, grace of God this is what saves us.
Message of grace [61-0827]
Abraham spoke of us. God take--God took Abraham by grace and saved him. And that's how He takes you: by grace. And how do we test His patience? Today we're up; tomorrow we're down. One day we believe; the next day we're wondering. Today we're a Methodist; tomorrow we're a Baptist. Today we believe in Divine healing; tomorrow the tummy ache comes and we don't know whether we believe it or not. But yet in the midst of all of that, God wants us to stay put. But He saves us anyhow. If it wasn't the grace of God, we'd all be gone. Sure. God saves us by His grace.
Message of grace [61-0827]
Now, He called Jacob, not--called Abraham, pardon me, by election and by grace, and give him Eternal Life, and told him He'd come to him in an old age. He didn't have to do one thing about it. Only thing, it was by grace, and that's exactly the way the church is called today. Is by grace are you saved through faith. And we know that's right. God calls the church by His grace. If it wasn't today for the grace of God, you'd be out here in the rain watching the ball game somewhere. You'd be out here on the highways running around. You'd be in a barroom somewhere, be out with some man's wife, or some woman's husband. You'd be a--out in the world. But it's by the calling and grace of God, that He's changed your minds, and made you new creatures in Christ Jesus, and our soul looks up to Him today with expectations of His coming.
Abraham and his seed after him [61-0423]
Now, that was David's passions. He had five hundred wives, but when he seen Uriah's wife, instead of taking one of his five hundred wives to appease or satisfy his passions, he went took this other man's wife, then he killed Uriah when she become a mother. David didn't know what he was doing, why, David was ready to pronounce judgment. That's the way we are. We can always judge the other fellow, but when it comes to us, oh, that's different. David said, "The man will pay with his life."
That old prophet, them eyes narrowed down; he said, "David, surely you'll not die." Watch grace then go to work right quick. The Spirit struck the prophet, saved David's life. Grace, "Surely you'll not die, but the sword will not leave your house till it's thoroughly purged your heart, for you are that rich man." Oh, it was different then, wasn't it?
What saved David when his own judgment said, "The man will die. He'll pay to the uttermost, and he'll pay for it with his life"?
And the prophet said, "Surely (grace) you'll not die. You'll not die, David. Grace has saved you." It was grace to David that saved him. Oh, my. If it hadn't been for grace, where would we all be? Is that right? Certainly.
Message of grace [61-0827]
Now, man has always tried to save himself, and do different things to be saved by, but it's never has been in the New Testament by any works of our own; it's "by grace are you saved, through faith." That's the only thing that can save you is grace.
Israel in Egypt [53-0325]
Now, "faith" is a "revelation from God." Now, "faith" is a "revelation." There's where I want to stay there just a moment. It's a revelation. He has revealed it to you by His grace. It's nothing you did. You didn't work yourself up into faith. You never had faith; it's give to you by the grace of God. And God reveals it to you; therefore, faith is a revelation. And the whole Church of God is built upon the revelation.
Works is faith expressed [65-1126]