Saturday, October 26, 2013

Over in Africa his father is a king of the tribe. And yet, an alien, away from home, he knows he's the son of a king. So he conducts himself that way."

As I said last night about a--a king one time, down in the south when they had... The colored down there was sold for slaves. Why, they was no more than just a--a used car market; you get a bill of sales on them. And I was alarmed, at a little place... I read one day where a--a broker come along to buy some, and he said, "Well, now, I'd like..." They was sad; you'd have to whip them, make them work because they was away from home. They're sold slaves. And they in a foreign country they knowed nothing about, and they'd never be back home again, and they were sad. You had to whip them, make them work. But this broker come by a certain plantation.

One young fellow there with his chest out, and his chin up, you didn't have to whip him. He was right up, and he kept the morals of the rest of them up.The broker said, "I'll buy him."
He said, "He's not for sale. No, sir. You ain't going to buy him, because he's not for sale."
He said, "Well, what makes him so much different?" Said, "Is he the boss over the rest of them?"
Said, "No."
Said, "Do you feed him different?"
Said, "No. Yeah, he's a slave; he eats out there in the galley with the rest of them."
Said, "What makes him so much difference?"
He said, "I wondered myself, till I found out. Over in Africa (where they come from, where the Boers bought them, and brought them over here and sold them for slaves), over there his father is a king of the tribe. And yet, an alien, away from home, he knows he's the son of a king. So he conducts himself that way."

What a rebuke to Christianity. We're supposed to represent God and Eternal Life. There's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God. He alone has Eternal Life. And we are products of His, because we're genes of His Spirit. Then we should conduct ourself, women and men, like the Bible said for us to do, not Jezebels of the street, and Rickies of the organization; but Christian gentlemen, sons and daughters of God, borned of the Spirit of God, manifesting the Light in our days and scattering It. That's exactly right.

WMB ~ Leadership - 65-1207

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