Tuesday, May 6, 2014


257 [They] Called Him, "Foreign, a fortuneteller, a devil, a Beelzebub," and said, "He made Himself God." Oh, my.
Didn't Isaiah the prophet said He would be called the Mighty God? Isaiah 9:6, "Unto us a Child is borned, a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulders, and His Name shall be called Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, the everlasting Father." That's right. Also, St. John 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." You believe that? He was just not... He was a prophet, but He was more than a prophet; He was the God-prophet. Why did He have to come?

259 Remember, He comes in three son's names. He came first in the name of the Son of man. He never called Himself the Son of God. You know that. See? He came in the Son of man, a prophet; Jehovah Himself, the Father called Jeremiah, "son of man"; a prophet is son of man. He come...
Now, He come after the day of Pentecost, He come back in the form of the Holy Ghost, supernatural Spirit. Now, He's Son of God.
In the millennium He'll be Son of David, setting upon the throne of David. See? He come... He's Son of God, Son of man, Son of David.

262 Oh, the Bible's full of these nuggets. We can't get them all in one night. But it's just fitting to set this in now. Tomorrow may never dawn. We may be gone before tomorrow. I may be preaching to a person that'll be dead before in the morning. I could be gone before in the morning. Brother, sister, that's not myth; that's actual facts. We don't know what time we're going. You'll not have any chance after that last breath leaves your body. Make it right now; don't wait till in the morning, may be too late.
263 Notice now, they had done to Him just exactly what the prophets said they would do, just as they are doing to this very same day in the Laodicean age. If you want to look at it, read Revelations 3: "Blind, naked, and don't know it. Turning Christ..." When He begins to reveal Hisself into the seed form again, the same One that went into the ground come back to be the Bride; just the Bride and the Groom is the same flesh and blood, the same ministry, the same things, doing just exactly what He done; the Spirit...
And here they're impersonating and doing everything else, and each one's got his book and running, and this. And, oh, you never heard such sensations, "And I smell a devil, and all this, that, just as unscriptural as it can be.

265 And the genuine thing laying right there before them, they walk away, "They don't belong to my organization, my--my...?..." See? Just blind leading the blind, won't they all fall in the ditch? Blinded by man's denominational traditions, they put Him out of their church as God said they would do in Revelations 3; as usual as prophesied...
Notice how Jesus tell--and made Hisself known to these disciples now, and we'll close. These two disciples, Caiaphas--or Cleopas, rather, and his friend. Now, we're in the resurrection, the morning after the resurrection, the first resurrection; what a beautiful morning; Jesus is up from the dead and living among His people. What a beautiful thought.
He's here the same today as He was that day, because He's the same yesterday, today, and for... And revealing Himself more today than He has in any other age since that day; come through the wheat and stalk and shuck (is all past now), we're into the wheat again. See? We're back into the grain.

268 Known as... know... Watch how He made Hisself known to these people. Now, remember, as their Messiah (just before we close) of the promised Word of the age... Notice. He appeared unto to the--as He had said He'd do to the prophets. Notice, "Fools, and slow of heart to believe that all the prophets has wrote of Him had to be fulfilled."
Watch Him. He refers right back to the Word of God; He never come right out and told them, "Don't you know Me? I am the Messiah that's resurrected." He never said that. See? He just give them the Scripture, like John did, and the rest of them. See? He just... They have to pick that out themselves. They have to judge for theirselves. Now, don't go to sleep; judge for yourself.
"Fools, slow of heart to believe all that the prophets has said had to come to pass." What a rebuke to them that claimed they knew Him. See?

271 Notice how He approached the subject. He never come right out, as I said a few minutes ago, and said, "Well, don't you know I'm your Messiah for this age? Don't you know that I'm He?" The real servant of God never identifies himself that way; the Scripture identifies who he is. Sure, he will. See? But called their attention to what the prophets had said to look for in the Messiah's age. See it? Go right back: "Fools, and slow of heart, not to believe that all the prophets said about the Messiah should come to pass."
He, as John, let the Word of the Bible identify Him, what He was to them. That should been made plain enough. If the word had identified Him, that should be plainly, who the promise was they was looking at. They knowed he had... Someone had to come on the scene at that time.
Why, He could've said, "Now, let me show you what the Word says is supposed to happen in this day."

274 Am not I tonight trying to tell you, Word by Word, even to the position, the place, the names and numbers, everything else, and all the signs, times, and everything, that we're right at the end time? Surely you can see what I'm talking about. See? Look. That's so plain it should need no more identification. He said, when He was here on earth, "Search the Scriptures, in Them you think you have Eternal Life, They are what... They testify of what I am (See?), Who I am."
Notice, He begin with Moses the prophet, a prophet, Deuteronomy 18:15. Now, I'm watching the Scriptures here. Deuteronomy 18:15, Moses said, "The Lord your God..."
See? God spoke to him on top of the mountain. And, oh, my, the thundering; they said, "Let--let the Lord... Let Moses speak, not God, lest we perish."
He said, "They said well. I'll... I won't speak to them no more like this, but I'll raise them up a prophet." That's been His message all the way through. That's what's got to settle the whole thing at the end. It's just got to, because the Word of the Lord has to come to the prophet. It's the only thing It can come to. If it don't, it breaks God's Word and makes Him tell something wrong. See? It goes to a prophet. And the prophet is sent from God, ordained. And how you know it is, and not what the man said,...

278 We've had Elijah's, and coats, and everything else, and mantles, and all kinds of nonsense that went off into organizationism and everything else. But there will come on this earth, by God's promise, a genuine servant of God, identified by God, by His Word being the answer of this day, that'll set the Bride in order (a real little minority of the church) and take it up. That's right. He'll introduce, "Behold, there's the One I talked about (See?), that'll come."
And all that the prophets had said about Him, and for this age, why, it sure would be interesting to have heard Him say that. Wouldn't you like to have heard Him say it? "All the prophets said about..." Remember, He said what the prophets would say about Himself, quoting His own Self, what He had said, and He was the Word quoting.

281 Now, let's listen to the Words that He quoted. Would you like to hear what He said to them? Let's just carry the conversation now, just before we stop.
Now, they were briefed on all the late happenings of the crucifixion, of the story at the grave and the tomb, and the women had seen Him, and another one said they seen Him, and so forth. He said... They--they briefed Him on that. And He goes right on with the Word about--quoting Himself through the Word.

"Now, look in Zechariah 12." (He must've quoted Zechariah 11:12.) "For He was sold with thirty pieces of silver. Was not the Messiah supposed to be sold by thirty pieces of silver?
"In Psalms 41:9, He was betrayed by His friends."
Of "Zechariah 13:7, forsaken by His disciples."
"In Psalms 35:11, accused by false witnesses."
"By Isaiah 35:7, dumb before His accusers, never opened His mouth." (All right, sir.)
"Isaiah 50:6, He was scourged."
"Psalms 22--22, He cried at the cross, 'My God, why has Thou forsaken Me?' All My bones they stare at Me. They pierced My hands and My feet.'" (Look at the prophecies He could talk about.)
"Isaiah 9:6, Unto us a Child is born, a virgin shall conceive, so forth."
"And also in Psalms 22:18, they--they--they parted His garments among them."
"In Isaiah 7:14, a virgin shall conceive."
"Psalms 22:7 and 8, made Him a--mocked by His enemy, he was supposed to be His friend, His enemies the church."
"In Psalms 22 again, He was... Not a bone was to be broken, but they pierced His hands and His feet."
"Isaiah 53:12, died with malefactors.
"In Isaiah 53:9, bruised, and buried with the rich brethren."
"In Psalms 16:10, He was resurrected from the dead. David said so, 'I will not suffer My holy One to see corruption, neither will I leave His soul in hell.' He was raised from the dead."
"Malachi 3, John the Baptist was His forerunner."
And all of the types He might have went to. Even to Isaac being the type of Him upon Mount--upon the mountain where his father Abraham took him in Genesis 22.

284 It was now that they begin to see Who had fulfilled these Scriptures that was promised of that day. It was then, after it was late; they begin to see. "Oh, well, wait a minute. You know what?" They knew then that their crucified Friend Jesus was that Prophet that was promised. They knew because... See? They hadn't been briefed on the Scriptures.
But, here, all these things that's supposed to happen at the cross, all these things. "Fools, slow of heart to understand all the prophets have said, how that the Messiah shall suffer, and enter into His glory, and raise the third day."
Still they go, "Oh, yes. That's right. I see. He--He--He... Did not our hearts burn within us?" they said. No wonder their hearts burned. The prophecies that He was giving that was fulfilled...


Modern events are made clear by prophecy

Preached on Monday, 6th December 1965 at the Orange Bowl Restaurant in San Bernardino, California, U.S.A

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