Saturday, September 13, 2014

If religion only means to build a church for sacrifice and to be sincere, God would be unjust to condemn Cain

THUS SAITH THE LORD, it'll take perfect love to put you in that place, for that's all there was there. No matter how many, how much religious demonstrations, how many good deeds you done, or whatever you done, that won't count nothing on that day. It'll take perfect love. So whatever you do, you lay aside everything else, until you are just so filled with the love of God, till you can love those who hate you.I'm just, as I said this morning, I was made... My whole makeup is grace. A lot of people say, "Now, you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours. Yeah, you do something for me, and I'll do something for you." That's not grace. Grace is, if your back is itching, I'll scratch it anyhow, whether you scratch mine or not; you slap me on the face, and say, "my back needs itching, needs scratching," I'll scratch it. See? That's it; do something. I don't believe in works; I believe that works is love. Works is--works is the manifestation that grace has taken place.
I don't live true to my wife because I believe she'd divorce me if I didn't; I live true to her because I love her. ~~~ Adoption or placing 60-0522E 

Jesus had just been speaking to the disciples and about sacrilegious. How that there was a--a publican went to the temple to pray, and a self-righteous man stood there. And how he in all of his good deeds that he could quote to the Lord... "How I thank Thee that I'm not like this publican or that ordinary men, how I pay my tithes and fast," and so forth. But Jesus was teaching them that all those things are all right, and they have their place, but then those things are not the real things.They're not the religious. They're religion, but they're not salvation. If we depend upon those things to merit for our salvation, we would go in by works and wouldn't need the Lord Jesus. But we have to solemnly depend upon Him, and I'm so glad. Then everyone can come. If religion only means to build a church for sacrifice and to be sincere, God would be unjust to condemn Cain, 'cause he done everything religious that Abel did. Everything that Abel did religious, Cain did the same. Both boys sincere, both boys made an altar; both boys made a sacrifice; both boys knelt down; both boys prayed; both boys worshipped.
So if worship, sincerely, belonging to church, and all those things are all God requires, then He would be unjust to condemn Cain, for Cain did the very same thing that Abel did. But all of it was works of his hand. And it's not by works; it's by the grace of God you are saved. Abel never worked; He just believed on Him that justifies the ungodly. And his sacrifice was received.
  ~~~ Blind Bartimaeus 57-0127E 

Let's settle this just once. Let's go back to Ephesians the 1st chapter, the 5th chap--the 1st chapter of Ephesians, just a moment. I want to read here just a minute, so that you can really understand that it's not just what--something that I'm trying to tell you; it's something God's trying to tell you. See? Now, listen to this real close, 1st chapter of Ephesians.Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God,... (The same man that's wrote the Hebrew letter is writing this letter.)... to the saints... (This is not to the unbelievers, but to the saints, the sancti--sainted ones.)... which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:
Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ,
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places...
According as he... (Now, listen close now, the 4th verse.)... According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world... (Who is the "us" there? The Church.)... He chose us in him... (Christ)... before the foundation of the earth, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to His own good pleasure of his will,

Who did it? God did it. God knowed from the beginning who would be saved and who wouldn't be saved. Certainly, He was not willing for any to perish. But He didn't send Jesus here just to see if you'd--you'd act like, "Well, poor Jesus, I feel sorry for Him; maybe I'd better get saved and prove it." No, sir.God knowed in the beginning who would and who would not. So therefore, He knew that some would; so He sent Jesus to make a propitiation for those that He foreknew. For those who He foreknew, He has called; and those who He has called, He has justified; and those who He has justified, He hath (past tense) glorified. There you are.

So it's not you that keeps yourself; it's the grace of God that keeps you. You didn't save yourself, or nothing you've done to deserve being saved; it's God's grace that saved you. God's grace called you. God's foreknowledge knew you. He knew that you'd be in this church this night before the foundation of the world was ever laid. He's infinite. If He isn't, He isn't God. If He did know all things, He was God. If He didn't know all things, He wasn't God. If He's Almighty God, He can do all things; if He cannot do all things, He's not Almighty God. There you are.

So how can you say it's something you could do? It's nothing you can do. It's God's love and grace to you, that you're even here. Nothing you could do, God called you by His grace; you listened, heard, accepted."Well," you say, "Brother Branham, that makes it awful loose." Certainly, it does. You're free. "Well, that fellow can do anything he wants to." Absolutely. I always do what I want to do, but if you're a Christian, you don't want to do wrong. ~~~ Hebrews Chapter 7 part 1 57-0915E 

 So salvation isn't doing a lot of good works. Grace is what brings us to God. God saves us by grace. And no man never sought God at any time. The Bible says he didn't. You say, "Why, I sought God all night." No, you never. God sought you. Man's very nature in the garden of Eden proved it. Instead of Adam running up and down the garden saying, "O Father, where art thou," it was God hunting Adam saying, "Adam, where art thou?" See? We turn the picture around. Here, this will settle it for you if there's a question in your mind. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me, except My Father draws him first." That settles it if He said it. All right.We're not on that subject, we're just backgrounding a little. Get the fear away. Don't be scared that God's not going to answer prayer. God always answers prayer. The work's already finished. He's obligated; He must do it; He's got to do it to keep His Word. Notice. Now, it's a finished work. ~~~Hear ye Him 56-1215

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