Saturday, January 12, 2013


"These so-called churches around the countries today, say, "Well, where is all the miracles? We'll give a thousand dollars for anybody that'll permit--will produce a miracle." You, poor, deliberated, backslidden, twice dead, plucked up by the roots, how are you ever going to see a miracle until you become one? Glory. A miracle of God's grace to take an unbelieving doubter and fill him with the Holy Ghost... Jesus said, "Except a man be borned again, he can't even see the Kingdom of God." If you want to see a miracle, become one. Let God work on you first. He's got some overhauling to do, some different lenses to put over your eyes, because you're blind, dead in sin and trespasses, spiritually blind, double dead. That's right. God has to give you Life, touch your eyes so you can see, perform a miracle, and make you a miracle, and then you can see the miracle-working God. That's the first thing" WMB -If God Be With Us [61-1231E]

And there was some throwing, perhaps, overripe tomatoes or vegetables at Him. "Away with Him."And others saying, "Hail the great Prophet," some for Him, some against...

I can see a bunch of priests say, "Say, you that can raise the dead. I've got an old mother died up here, a good religious woman. Come, raise her up. Let me see you do it." Sure. That's what the devil always does. When you hear people talking like that, know they are of the devil.
The devil, when he met Jesus, he said, "If thou be the Son of God, do a miracle here before me, and let me see You do it, and I'll believe You."
When they tied a rag around His face one time, some Roman soldiers, and hit Him on the head with a stick, said, "Now, if you're a prophet, tell us who hit you and we'll believe you." He never opened His mouth.
When He was on the cross they said, "If thou be the Son of God, come down off the cross and do a miracle here before me," the high priest stand, yelled at Him, "and we'll believe you." See?
They want things their way. You have to come to God's terms. What's the matter with the Church today, they want their way. You stand still and watch God's way. He knows what's best. Who can interpret God, better than Himself? - WMB ~Stand Still P:34 [57-0518]

When Satan first met Him, Satan said, "Now, if you will do a miracle for me, I'll believe that you're the Son of God. Turn these stones to bread. Let me see you do it." Jesus just quoted the Scripture right back to him.And then, every time Satan wanted to see Him do a miracle. The people who's possessed of Satan, wants to see Him, "Do something for me. Let me see You heal this one. Let me put a scratch on Your hand, and You heal it, and I'll believe You." There you are. The same evil spirit that said, "Come off the cross now and we'll believe You. Your hands are tacked up there. You're calling Elijah; let's see Him come, deliver You now. If you found so much favor in Him, in God, let's see Him deliver You. Come off the cross and we'll believe you. Do a miracle before us."

Miracles has always stumped the unbeliever. But just the same, our heavenly Father is a miracle-working God. That's it. Everywhere He's always been, whatever His ministry has been, where He's had His ministers, there's been signs, wonders, and miracles. WMB ~ God Has A Provided Way P:18 [54-0404]

Took Him up on the temple and said, "Now, if You be the Son of God, cast Yourself down. 'Cause it's written in the Scripture, 'He'd give His angels charge concerning thee, lest anytime that you'd be--dash a foot against a stone, bear Thee up.'" Quoting Scripture to Him...The same old Devil said to Jesus on the cross, "Now, if Thou be the Son of God, pull Your hands loose and come down, we'll believe You." Tied a rag around His face and hit Him on the head with a reed. Said, "You know what people were doing. You're a Prophet. You understand all things. Tell us who hit You." That same old Devil still lives, just the same thing.
Wanting a miracle performed this way. Just hasn't got intelligence enough to look around and see what God is a doing, or I would say this, with a right spiritual attitude to see what God is doing.
Now, Jesus said, "Let them alone. If the blind leads the blind, won't they both fall in the ditch?" So don't fool with them. And I said to Brother Bosworth, "You oughtn't to do it." And I said, "I have never claimed to be a Divine healer." My literature was published in seventeen different languages at that time. And I said, "I have never one time made any statement about being Divine healer. I've always said God is the Healer. I only point people to Jesus Christ."WMB~ Angel Of The Covenant P:56  [54-0301]

The prophet's nerves were all upset, for he was just coming out from under the anointing. That he had been up there for a long time, and God had been taking care of him. I like that. God had taken care of His servant; and fed him with crows, and waited for the time to come, and watered him at Cherith. But now, after the great miracle had been performed, and Elijah was coming out from under the anointing, nerves all on the edge...Oh, how I know how to sympathize with him. My heart always bled for Elijah when I thought of... under the anointing of the Holy Spirit that called the fire from heaven, and performed miracles. And what had upset him more than anything, that Jezebel and her crowd had ignored the miracles. And they do it again today. When God performs miracles, it doesn't change the unbeliever, he just makes fun of it. WMB ~ What Hearest Thou Elijah P:14  [59-0609]

And the only thing you want to do to see miracles today, if you want to see the miracle of God, just move all your doubt away. Move all your creeds away, move all your denominationals away, and there the Son's automatically shining. It's a Commandment of God, for It said, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." So, as long as He's to be there forever, He's there. No question about it, He's there. Where is the miracles? What's hindering the miracles? God sent Christ, Christ is alive forevermore! "Wherever two or three are gathered together in My Name, I'll be in their midst." Amen. "Lo, I am with you always, even tothe end of the world." There He is, His promise. WMB~If God Be With Us P:52  [61-1231E]

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