Tuesday, January 22, 2013


"A man who would let his wife go out and run around all night with some drunk, come in next morning, and say, "Yes, dearie, I hope you had a nice time," you're a poor excuse of a man. Any man'd let his wife get out there, and wear shorts, and these little old bathing suits, bikinis, or ever what it is, and lay out amongst these people. I got little hopes of you even being a man. That's right.Man's not measured by how much his biceps are, how big a muscles he is. He's measured by his character. That's exactly right. And character comes from the Word of God, and that alone. And any preacher that claims to be a preacher, and deny that Word, there's little character of God there to me. Amen. May be some hopes if he'll listen awhile. Yeah. Now, I don't want to get critical with you. I love you, and I mean that. But that's my Absolute, brethren, this Word, THUS SAITH THE LORD. You know that's true". WMB ~ Absolute An P:89 63-0127

"All right, you men, here you are. Any man that'll let his wife smoke cigarettes, and wear shorts, shows what he's made out of. He's no man. He ain't got an ounce in him, a Son of God, the head of the house. That's right. Now, you know that's the truth. It shows what you're made out of. Man's not measured by muscles; that's beast, brute. Man's measured by character. And if you're a son of God, you're measured by your character. And you're supposed to be the ruler of the house, and God will hold you responsible for what she does". WMB~ Life 58-0512

"God's searching for real men. I don't mean how big his muscles are. Man is never judged by his muscle. That's brute. Man is judged by character. I've seen men that weighed two hundred pounds and solid muscle, and didn't have an ounce of man in him; will throw a baby from a mother's arms and ravish her. That's a brute. But man is measured by character.There never was a man like Jesus Christ. And the Bible said there was no beauty we should desire Him, but a character like it has never been molded. That's right. "Hear ye Him." WMB~ Hear Ye Him P:57 58-0301E

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