[[I do believe in a purgatory, but I believe it's right now. You purge your own soul. "Purgatory" means "to purge." When you see you've doing something wrong, get out there and clean it out of you by confession, and crying, and fasting, and praying. Someone e ven laughed at me when the Lord came here not long ago, give me a vision that I always wanted to see about binding that serpent. I always wondered how to--how if I should step out like that, when I--that's what I've wanted all my life. Then I begin to fast and pray. Said, "What'd you do that for?" I said, "In there He said that I was not sincere enough." Actually to come down want to purge myself, not wait till you die and let some priest try to purge you. Purge your souls.But, see, they took it out of the authoritative Word and put it over in the hands of some manmade dogma to bring money into the church, because they look at worldly things, worldly church, great powers in the world, political powers. But God looks to His Word. And any words that's contrary to God's Word is wrong. As far as I'm concerned it's the Word or nothing. Yes, sir. Yes, sir]] ~WMB~ Way of a true prophet 62-0513M [[Someone asked me the other day, he said, "Why, Brother Branham, don't you believe in purgatory?"I said, "Sure, I believe in purgatory." Said, "Well, fine." Said, "That's good." Said, "You know..." I said, "But I don't believe that after you die some priest to pray you out of it, or some preacher." I said, "I believe in purgatory, sure, purging your soul. But we do that now. When we do something wrong, let's get down and have a purgatory, say, 'God, cleanse me. Take the thing out of me and purge me, wash me, make me new.' I believe in purging my soul. Yes, sir. I do that daily. I'm in purgatory daily then (See?), so, just purging my soul every day before God." "Well," he said, "Saint Andrew, and Saint So-and-so, and Saint Francis, and all these others, they..." I said, "That may be all right." "And you know Saint So-and-so, Saint Cecelia..." I said, "That may be all right too. I don't say that." Well, you say... I say, "That's the reason you got six hundred different books to go from. You don't know where you're standing. But that's unauthoritative word." I told them I didn't believe in intercession of saints. Said, "But Saint So-and-So said..." But I said, "Peter said, 'There's no other mediator between God and man but that Man Christ Jesus.' He had the authority. Those apostles had the authority." Arguing about baptism... I said, "What do they say about it? Right. See what they said. The others is unauthoritative word. This is the Word."]] ~WMB~ Perseverance 62-0520 |
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